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friz - 2010-03-04
In response to First Day Of School (Yukon)

A game for the whole class to break the ice..to make them feel more comfortable. Something were they will have to interact with eachother and hopefully develop friendships from it.

I feel like some shy students kinda slip through the cracks. Most of them could use help because of low self esteem. They are not usually behavior problems so teachers may fail to take the time to deal with their shyness. We do discuss them with other teachers, if we think they have a problem that we may can help them with. Yes, we act nice towards them!!!
We have one student at our high school who is extrememly shy. I requested that he be made office assistant so he would have to interact some with teachers. It seems to be helping him.
I was shy, so I know what it feels like!
A good teacher will know that the student is shy and reserved and will find ways to get them to participate.
Most teachers dont hate students...we just dont approve of certain behaviors....shyness usually does not bother us

If they're not talking they're either shy, not paying attention, have some sort of learning disability, have personal problems, or don't care. You have to know your students. So far, I've experienced about 10% of my students being shy each year. All but one have come out of it before school is over, too.
4th grade teacher
I'm not a teacher but I don't think they should bother students. Everyone is different and everyone has their own personality that they're born with. Some can't help but be shy.
There's a difference between shy students and kids who choose not to participate, recognize that. I'm not shy at all, but in my first period Language Arts class I don't talk at all because I'm too tired.
Most teacher's I have call on people even if they don't raise their hand, so I guess you could say they "force" students to participate.
I disagree with the person who said "A silent ESL class is one in which students are not learning."
I teach in a school that has a 55% Hispanic population, and about 35% of our students are in ESL classes, bilingual classes, or Dual Language classes. I teach reading, and a majority of my students are ESL.
When someone is learning a new language, they go thru a silent period. This can last from a short time to a couple of years. During this time, the person is watching and listening and thinking and learning. They might be silent, but they are still learning. They just don't have the confidence yet to start talking.

So, to get to your question. Role play can be done, but it has to be done with roles that the students are familiar with. Little kids can role play "asking a friend to play with you" "ask your mother 'what's for dinner?' " "tell a friend about your new puppy".

You still won't get everyone talking, because of the silent period where they're just learning the words. Maybe having them do it in their native language would be good first, just so they know what to do. Then maybe have them write out what they want to say in English. Don't have them "perform" in front of the whole class, since that makes people nervous, even in their own native language. Have the kids talk in pairs to each other first. Put the "shy" ones together and let them choose their own partners if they wish.

Move awaiy from the thought "break their silence" ... they're not talking because they don't think they can do it right. When they get the confidence, they'll talk. But if you force them before they're ready, you'll just push them into more silence.

Imagine if you were just transported to a country where you had no knowledge of the language. You'd be looking and wondering and not talking, too.

Messages In This Thread
First Day Of School -- Yukon -- 2010-03-01
Re: First Day Of School - shy students -- friz -- 2010-03-04
Re: First Day Of School - shy students -- Turino -- 2010-03-05
Re: First Day Of School -- val -- 2010-03-04
Re: First Day Of School -- englishgibson -- 2010-03-05
Re: First Day Of School -- tr -- 2010-03-04
Re: First Day Of School -- I'm a teacher! -- 2010-03-04
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