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Turino - 2010-03-09

Thanks for another of your enlightening posts!As can be seen from what you have posted,it's possible for a louwai to live well in many parts of China off around 2500 Yuan if he is a careful shopper who is versatile enough to replace what is imported and too expensive by alternative foods and beverages that are locally produced.Your outgoings have been determined.That has been dealt with.
As for your earnings,they are your own business!But one needn't be a genius to figure out that even if you were on a mere 4000 Yuan/month,you'd be able to save money each and every month,actually around 60% of your salary, on these figures! Since when can a teacher in the West do so while maintaining a good standard of living?The answer is never!
So,when louwai complain online that their salaries as teachers here in China are not good,it annoys me!Let's not forget that our Chinese colleagues can live well off around 2000 RMB a month despite having housing costs,such as rent and utilities to pay for,which we don't!

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Re: Old China Hand - Purchasing Power of Yuan? -- Turino -- 2010-03-09
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