Turino - 2010-03-19
In response to Re: Help! (Smitty)

Welcome to China! 1) NOTHING is ever what it is supposed to be in China. 2) See rule number 1
for further clarification.

Humorous and sarcastic, yes, but of little or no consolation to newbies from the West. But of course, you have made a sweeping statement, not helpful either!

Enjoy your stay and remember...FLIGHTS ARE LEAVING DAILY!

I take it you are an air stewardess. This time, your response is not only humorous and sarcastic, fair enough in the circumstances, but also a bum steer!

Try exiting China with a Z visa. You will be asked to surrender your residence permit. When the official sees its in-date and you've only been in the country for some days, and said RP hasn't been cancelled, you might well be led away to an interview room to ask you what the hell's going on. There's always a possibility you'll be prevented from leaving until you've coughed up your 500 USD fine, not to mention being blacklisted thereafter, in which case you'll never be able to get a Chinese Z visa again. That means you can never teach in China again, big cities included!

Messages In This Thread
Help! -- China Teacher -- 2010-03-18
Re: Help! -- Raoul Duke -- 2010-03-20
Re: Help! -- Smitty -- 2010-03-19
Re: Help! -- Turino -- 2010-03-19
Re: Help! -- Monitor -- 2010-03-18

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