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Aliyah - 2010-03-21

Hi, I would like to interview someone who is an ESL teacher. I am an aspiring ESL teacher myself. As a university student, I am doing a project on behalf of my ESOL class.

If possible, may I have your name? If you want to do this interview via email, I would be glad to. My email is, kiyochan16@gmail.com Just email your responses to me. I would greatly appreciate it.

Prior to the actual interview, please describe the places you have taught, countries, schools etc.
What levels do you teach?

1. Describe a typical day from the moment you wake up to the time you go to bed.
2. What made you decide to be an ESL teacher?
3. Are there any benefits (salary, retirement, health/life insurance)?
4. What is the training that's needed to become an ESL teacher?
5. What is the best part of your job?
6. What is the worst?
7. If you had to do all over again, what would you have done differently?
8. Is there any opportunity for advancement?
9. What are your stress levels?
10. Why did you choose this career?
11. When did you choose to pursue this career?
12. What are your working hours?
13. What impact has teaching ESL had on your life overall?
14. What are your goals that you have for your students?
15. How long have you been teaching?
16. What skills do you need?
17. How do you plan your lessons?
18. Do you think it is a good idea to learn a 2nd language?
19. What courses did you take when you were in college? Major?
20. Are you satisfied with your current salary?
21. Is there any advice you would like to give to those who wants to pursue this career?

Thank you so much!

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