The Arrogant One - 2005-03-15
In response to Me too (The Owl)

> Me too, TAO-ist.
> Viva TAO!!!

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

It's positively GREAT that you two guys have managed to see the light (as it were). I've always enjoyed your style of writing, and although the contents have not always met with universal approval, it is most important to maintain composure in the face of challenge ... especially from those grossly irrational--even insane--factions present on our Board. Your reply to such assault = Believe you me, there're a hellova lot of more important things in this life over which to fret. Take that from a veteran worrier.

Love from,

Tao tse Arrogante

The Arrogant One

Messages In This Thread
Me too -- The Owl -- 2005-03-15
ME THREE! -- The Arrogant One -- 2005-03-15
T.A.O. Live long and prosper *No message* -- 4th -- 2005-03-16

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