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Riverina - 2010-04-02
In response to Filipino women, victims of illegal recruitment (Neps M. Guisona)

Chinese families of substance often employ housemaids or nannies, not only on mainland, but also in Singapore. Those maids are usually Chinese, but a significant number are foreigners from the poor countries of South Asia, such as the Philippines. If they are Chinese, they'll likely be the uneducated daughters of poor farmers. So, Chinese employers will look down on them, and use and abuse them in some cases, just as they will do to foreign lackeys. The difference is the Chinese women will bear mistreatment silently as a rule, whereas the better educated foreigners will not - they will protest.
That said, I think that in the EFL world in China, Filipinos are finding it more difficult to obtain employment than before, and if they do, they will likely be working for significantly lower pay than native speakers of English. There is definitely racial discrimination by many Chinese employers against not only Filipino job applicants, but also African jobseekers as well as African Americans.
As an example of the attitude of educated Chinese to people in less financially rewarding employment, I'll relate what I was told by a Chinese university teacher of English, who was Chinese. It so happened that her former British foreign teacher had decided to vacation in China. When they met up, the Chinese university teacher asked the foreigner what kind of jobs would be available to Chinese university teachers of English, like her, in Britain. The British foreign teacher of English said that if such a Chinese was also good at cooking, he (or she) could get a job doing so at a Chinese restaurant in the UK. The Chinese lady wasn't buying that, and so asked me to verify if that was true, as I was also from the UK. When I said it was true, she became angry, and said that if any of her friends, all of whom were well educated, were employed to cook in a restaurant, they would be rightly looked down upon by well-educated people, and that it was therefore inappropriate for Chinese people who were well educated to make friends with common workers!
Though this story was about a Chinese teacher of English employed at an ordinary university of technology in a provincial capital, I can assure you that Chinese teachers of English working at key universities or indeed key senior middle schools are much bigger snobs. My advice: avoid teaching at KEY senior middle schools and KEY universities in China, in order to stay clear of some big, 'well-educated (sic)' Chinese snobs.

Messages In This Thread
Filipino women, victims of illegal recruitment -- Neps M. Guisona -- 2010-04-02
Re: Filipino women, victims of illegal recruitment -- Riverina -- 2010-04-02
Re: Filipino women, victims of illegal recruitment -- LNC -- 2010-04-03
Re: Filipino women, victims of illegal recruitment -- Riverina -- 2010-04-03
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