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Jeremy - 2010-04-08

No "updated" experience is needed as far as those circumstances of living in a foreign expert's apartment on campus is concerned. Nothing has changed in that respect,...

A sweeping generalization, if ever I saw one!
There have been significant changes in the attitudes of many FAO's towards their foreign teachers in recent years. The situation re living on campus and the level of control that the school/college chooses to exercise over its foreign teachers will vary from employer to employer.
The issue here is that accommodation outside the campus will cost an FT money, if indeed it is allowed. Each individual FT must weigh up the money lost living outside the campus against the freedom lost living on it. Everyone is unique. Some people rquire complete freedom of movement, while others can tolerate limited or even moderate levels of control and spying re one's daily life.
Some mothers can be very restrictive of what their children do too! I'm amazed that there are so many educated people around lacking in common sense. That doesn't say much for the education system in the West, does it!

Messages In This Thread
Re:Living on Campus in China -- Jeremy -- 2010-04-08
Re:Living on Campus in China -- Privacy -- 2010-04-09
Re:Living on Campus in China -- DOOG -- 2010-04-12
Re:Living on Campus in China -- LNC -- 2010-04-10
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