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Yingwen Laoshi - 2010-04-10

It may be be just a regional thing, but in my last college, where I worked for three years, nearly everytime I made conversation with Chinese teachers they bought up the fact that they were tired, and overburdened with stuff that they really didn't want to do; namely writing articles for various publictaions, and studying for higher degrees. They all complained that it was draining, and they found it hard to cope with alongside their normal teaching duties. Many of them also mentioned that as a result of this, they couldn't spend enough time on their lesson planning as they would have liked. It was these circumstances that I was alluding to in my previous post.

Of course money is the ultimate motivation for plagiarism, but my point was, that at least in my experience the teachers I met would have had a different motivation for plagiarizing; just a relief from their workload and a chance to have a bit of a life. While I commend you for being able to cope with postgrad studies while holding down a very busy job at the same time, not everybody is capable of coping with such a schedule, myself included. Further to that, in regards to my ex-colleagues, unlike us, they had those schedules thrust upon them and had no choice whatsoever, in the matter.

Yes, there are probably many Chinese teachers who do plagiarize merely for profit. However the conditions I came across in my previous college do by no means help the situation. The publictions of those arictles resulted in money being paid to the school, little if any was passed onto the teachers who wrote those articles. It would be unlikely that your average school leader in China would be concerned whether their teachers wrote the articles themselves or not. As long as the money's pouring in to the schools, or until the extreme competitive nature of Chinese society dies down, the practice of plagiarism, here, will continue to be alive and kicking.

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Re: Plagiarism in China is one of their traditions! -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2010-04-10
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