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DOOG - 2010-04-12
In response to Re:Living on Campus in China (Privacy)

Currently I am teaching in Nantong. If you are offered work here, think carefully. The city is the most boring city I have come across in China, but that is not the worst. Working at Nantong Vocational College has become similar to minimum security incarceration. Everything is now monitored (including internet), by the school. They have cameras in all passageways of the FT accommodation building. You cannot have guests in your room (which are quite nice and well equipped). There are regulations of which you are not told about, until you break them and then you get "warning letters" from the FOA. What would be reasonable place to work has become a mire of authoritarianism at its worst. All FTs are leaving. They cannot keep people here even though it has reasonable standards in other areas. If you don't mind the intrusiveness, it is ok. Me? Have been here 1.5 semesters. Cannot wait to leave.

Messages In This Thread
Re:Living on Campus in China -- Jeremy -- 2010-04-08
Re:Living on Campus in China -- Privacy -- 2010-04-09
Re:Living on Campus in China -- DOOG -- 2010-04-12
Re:Living on Campus in China -- LNC -- 2010-04-10
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