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cunning inguist - 2010-04-18
In response to (Message Deleted by Poster) (B)

My comments may seem a little obvious, but do you have a translated address for the school and post (Zip) code? Have your prospective employers told you they will collect you from the airport? Which airport? Ask them how far it is, and long it will take from the airport to the school or your accommodation. You say you are new to all of this, so maybe it would be good to share an apartment with someone else, although it would not suit me. I'm not sure why they want you to attend the seminar unless you don't have a teaching or TEFL qualification and the seminar is somehow a test. Have you considered what will happen if they think you are not qualified - whatever that means? If this was the case would you be re-imbursed before they sent you home? On the other hand, it could be that they are providing an induction course for teaching Chinese students for newbie teachers and want you to follow their approach. This could be a positive experience but only time will tell. Do they have a Staff Handbook? Some establishments have produced a handbook, but maybe this in only in the university sector.

Twenty classes a week could be quite tiring if it's your first time in a Chinese classroom. How many students? As for medical expenses I still feel you need your own health insurance, as 800rmb for a year will not purchase very much if you had to stay in hospital or broke your leg, for example. 100 rmb should be enough if your co-habitant also gets this allowance. But your heating bills will go up if you use portable heaters when it's cold and an air-conditioning unit when it's hot. You mention cancelled classes. What does this mean? Is it clear from the contract that this only applies if you cancel or miss a class and not if you employers cancel the class? Often you will asked to do a make-up class when given the national holidays as days off. For optional classes during the holiday, you should be asking for a minimum of 90 rmb an hour. And how will they deal with Chinese tax?

Clearly you may not get answers to all of these questions, but they indicate a few of the things I would want to know.

Messages In This Thread
(Message Deleted by Poster) -- B -- 2010-04-16
Re: Sichuan Language School -- Callum West -- 2010-04-19
Re: Sichuan Language School -- B -- 2010-04-19
Re: Sichuan Language School -- The Turtle -- 2010-04-18
Re: Sichuan Language School -- cunning inguist -- 2010-04-18
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