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Reconciled - 2010-05-15

Yes been there done that it does totally suck, I agree. I don't attribute one bit of my teaching ability to my education at all, except the education I gave myself along the way to become better at it. Also having a natural gift for it has went a long way. In truth, many people need years, even decades of education just to be as good as someone who has no training but was born with that gift. Let's face it, an average person can go to school for years to become a good dancers, and be trumped by a 7 year old who is naturally talented at it. This is true the world over. Education is great, no question, it can be good for people who have a gift to polish it, or for those who don't to acquire enough skill to at least make a living at something, or maybe not. Either way, those people will likely never be great. I don't knock education, believe me, but there are so many different types of education, hence I honestly do think college education is hyped way too much, touted far too often.The truth is, it one only one of hundreds if not thousands of ways to learn, and it's no more or less impressive than any other. It's a tool, and a good one ideally, but far from the only one. I think that people who are to egocentric and pushy about it's importance are really just plain insecure. Deep down I think they realize it is not that big a deal, but they have nothing else. In truth it could just as easily be said that such people who tout it so much are themselves envious of those who can do without it, or even do better than they. The truth is the world is fully of envious people.

Like I said, education is a great thing, but don't be too proud of the particular education you have gotten, it is one of many different forms in the grand scheme of things. I find it sad people don't take seriously all the other ways of learning out there. People are closed minded often times, because to open their minds would mean casting a possible shadow on their own perceived accomplishments, and they might have to see what they have done isn't all that important.

Whatever the case may be, let's not forget these facts, that there are many different forms of education, and to show more respect for them, even if they are not what you have been taught to perceive as equal to what you have done. That's a foolish preconception to have about a great many things, including education. College isn't all there is out there, and too look down upon others who didn't do what you did to achieve their knowledge is foolish, arrogant, and just plain stupid. Period.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Angelina's ESL Cafe? - Teachers Discussion -- Reconciled -- 2010-05-09
Re: Angelina's ESL Cafe? - Teachers Discussion -- joe -- 2010-05-10
Re: Angelina's ESL Cafe? - Teachers Discussion -- Reconciled -- 2010-05-10
Re: Angelina's ESL Cafe? - Teachers Discussion -- Joe -- 2010-05-11
Re: Angelina's ESL Cafe? - Teachers Discussion -- With Uni Degree -- 2010-05-11
Re: Angelina's ESL Cafe? - Teachers Discussion -- been there done that! -- 2010-05-10
Re: Angelina's ESL Cafe? - Teachers Discussion -- Rin -- 2010-05-15
Re: Angelina's ESL Cafe? - Teachers Discussion -- Reconciled -- 2010-05-15
Re: Angelina's ESL Cafe? - Teachers Discussion -- Reconciled -- 2010-05-10
Re: Angelina's ESL Cafe? - Teachers Discussion -- Reconciled -- 2010-05-10
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