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ambientman - 2010-05-26

There is one lady who works in the FAO as a "Foreign Liaison." Otherwise known as the "go between", between Foreign teachers and the school. In other words, the mouth piece for higher officials. I guess she could be seen as the scapegoat for some issues. But she does not help her case by frequently failing to respond to (basic) text messages and email questions and concerns. I always seem to miss her when I go to see her in the office (out to lunch or something) so I leave a note, often they go unanswered too. When I confront her she (probably lies) and says "Oh, my inbox must have been full" or finds some other way around taking responsibility for her obvious ineptitude and/or lack of caring.

In fact, this is a definite case of disrespect which is made worse when you consider FT issues and FT related things are her bloodly job! She even has a helper who actually does all the tough work, the grunt work. She passes it all out to this student who has classes full time too.

How can I go about complaining about her poor communication while protecting myself in the process? I wish I could say it was just poor communication, but I will leave it at just this issue for now. I am not happy with her and thinks she does a poor job and is ignorant of many basic things, that she should know. An anonymous complaint would be good.

To tell you the truth, I actually prefer to not talk to her face to face (and most other FT feel the same) because she is very close minded and stubborn. Ironic since she works with foreigners. I feel like I must ALWAYS adapt to her. Okay, I am in China after all, but she never tries to see matters from a western point of view and understand my viewpoints. She is a "FL" for the FAO but has never been out of the country, how odd. Frustrating to have a person like this in charge of us. I feel like it is me who must bend all the time.

Considering trying to find an effective way to complain about her.

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