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happy hooker! - 2010-05-31
In response to Re: How to get a complimentary release letter (discerning reader)

Well "discerning reader" you remind me of one of those grovelling weasels that used to post here two years ago. All that rubbish about Chinese employers getting value for money, what a load of piffle! TC owners do nothing but rip off FT's, I don't care about providing "value for money" for Chinese employers, they don't own me and I am not their slave!

I will only do what is written in my contract, no more, no less, and I mean a contract from a decent Chinese university, not some rubbish training school contract. If you want to be a fool and bust your gut for a lousy 4000 to 6000RMB a month then go ahead. I am only interested in working part time, no office hours, meetings, or any of that useless training school garbage.

Really you need to wake up to yourself, it is just China, nobody should take teaching or education here seriously. Yes sireeeee, I am just here to have a good time, my days of corporate slavery in the West are over.

The beer, the food, the hookers, disco's, sexy young Chinese students, that's all I care about here!

Messages In This Thread
Re: How to get a complimentary release letter -- Smartie -- 2010-05-30
Re: How to get a complimentary release letter -- discerning reader -- 2010-05-31
Re: How to get a complimentary release letter -- happy hooker! -- 2010-05-31
Re: How to get a complimentary release letter -- Jimmy -- 2010-05-31
Re: How to get a complimentary release letter -- bluebird -- 2010-05-31
Re: How to get a complimentary release letter -- Happy Hooker 2 -- 2010-06-01
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