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michael - 2010-06-09
In response to Re: Linyi Normal University (Grow Up)

Oh, Grow Up, grow up.

I have no time to waste on you, you first answer the previous questions, before you start digging again.
You failed with your arguments before (or lack of them), so you are looking for a new subject, instead to continue what you already have started.

Look at you. You attacked me with your lying about that you have many teachers/studets friends from Linyi, who can confirm what you said: "I'm speaking 20 times worse than writing". I asked you for some prove, as we know you are lying. You didn't react at all, why?
I asked you weird questions like: how many times I have been in Linyi, how many teachers I know, when was it etc. As you should predict, the answer isn't complex.
I knew you wouldn't give me the correct respond (in theory your imagine friends would know). So you omitted this point.

I have been in Linyi only ONCE. I met only 5 teachers (2 of them left Linyi already, one of them sent post in this thread). Are you sure those 3 others would say that about me?
And students? I haven't met even ONE student from Linyi. So how come you know some students who can confirm my English ability?
Yishui is two hours apart from Linyi (by bus). In my village there aren't other foreigners at all. Teachers and student from Linyi are not coming here, as it is no reason to do it.

Now, without previous responds for my and other posters arguments, you are trying to dig deeper, to catch me on some lies.
Forget, you won't make it, and the reason is not because your IQ is low, but all I said here is logical.

Look, you said

"I have many student/teacher friends from Linyi"
So why are you asking me if I quit the job? You have your friends, ask them. And of course they knew me, so they know the story.

Answer - My the only visit to Linyi was in November 2009, to make the papers in PSB. You got it? Still no??? Ok, I started work later, not in September. That is why I worked there only for 8 months (anyway, I wrote the story on the website). I'm sorry to disappoint you again.

Grow Up, it is really no challenge to catch you on your lies.
Now, you get out from this forum, as you cannot help to anyone.
People are not interested in my story, I defended myself clear enough (me as me, as a Polish, as non-native speaker).
And this is the point on the forum - to help, to share the truth, to support, to solve the problem.
So if you come back to the forum, think twice (sorry, four times in your case) before reply. And try to be constructive.


Messages In This Thread
Linyi Normal University -- michael -- 2010-06-03
Re: Linyi Normal University -- Grow Up -- 2010-06-08
Re: Linyi Normal University -- michael -- 2010-06-09
Re: Linyi Normal University -- Foxy -- 2010-06-05
Re: Linyi Normal University -- Gozimus -- 2010-06-05
Re: Linyi Normal University -- Grow Up -- 2010-06-04
Re: Linyi Normal University -- travelinhobo -- 2010-06-05
Re: Linyi Normal University -- michael -- 2010-06-04
Re: Linyi Normal University -- Linyi ex teacher -- 2010-06-08
Re: Linyi Normal University -- Derek -- 2010-06-08
Re: Linyi Normal University -- PRCalways -- 2010-06-08
Re: Linyi Normal University -- who cares -- 2010-06-05
Re: Linyi Normal University, don't teach there! -- breeches buoy -- 2010-06-06
Re: Linyi Normal University, don't teach there! -- who cares -- 2010-06-06
Re: Linyi Normal University, don't teach there! -- breeches buoy -- 2010-06-06
Re: Linyi Normal University -- Grow Up -- 2010-06-05
Re: Linyi Normal University -- michael -- 2010-06-06
Re: Linyi Normal University -- michael -- 2010-06-06
Re: Linyi Normal University -- Juanisaac -- 2010-06-07
Re: Linyi Normal University -- MacKenzie -- 2010-06-05
Re: Linyi Normal University, to be avoided! -- Foxy -- 2010-06-05
Re: Linyi Normal University -- Smartie -- 2010-06-05
Re: Linyi Normal University -- espero -- 2010-06-04
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