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Ryan Johnson - 2010-06-10

I am currently working at Oxstand Bond and would have to agree that the conditions here are less than ideal. First of all the resources are limited to the internet only...keep in mind a lot of good websites are blocked here though so it can be very limiting. Not only that but the internet is broken half the time or the computers don't work at all. In our interviews we were promised international health coverage...we end up getting suck a crappy health package that only would cover the minimum and even then the amount of paper work you had to do made it to much of a hassle. On of our co-workers got hit by a car..none of his medical has been covered yet and it has been 6 months. When it came time to resign contracts, we had new ones drawn up ready to go that had promised a 3% raise. When it came time to sign and discuss next year with the head of Bond, she took our 3% raise away as well as made some bull shit promises. She did not give two shits about us the teachers. When we were in negotiations with her, she made multiple references to not caring if we signed on again or not as "we have multiple people ready to go for next year to fill all the positions" and that is a direct quote. But alas two months into looking for new teachers for next year and they still need two more to fill some positions. They lie and cheat you out of as much money as possible and screw you at every opportunity. if you are a teaching couple get prepared to be screwed even more. We moved into a fairly nice looking apartment at first but it has a bunch of problems that are not worth getting into. the important part to mention here is that regular single teachers each get 2500 RMB a month for an apartment...our apartment cost 2800 RMB. They are saving thousands by having us live together so we asked a simple favour to get some of our utilities paid for as we were both promised in our contracts full house allowance but we were told that it does not matter what the contract says this is what are you are getting and you will not receive any extra compensation.

Anyway I will end it here as there are way to many issues and I could go on for days. But keep in mind I have very few issues with China most are with BOND head office in Toronto. China is China with its own set of differences but they pale in comparison to the unethical behaviour of Bond

New teachers beware, it is not as good as they make it seem
Please feel free to contact me at ryannat42@gmail.com if you have any questions and I will gladly inform you of our experience with Bond.

Messages In This Thread
Bond Institute - Teachers Discussion -- JohnH -- 2006-09-07
Avoid Bond - Teachers Discussion -- Past Teacher -- 2006-09-19
Bond Institute/ International School in China - Teachers Discussion -- Past Teacher -- 2006-09-19
Re: Bond Institute/ International School in China - Teachers Discussion -- Ryan Johnson -- 2010-06-10
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