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Nick Pellatt - 2010-06-18
In response to Re Omeida Language College in Yangshuo (englishgibson)

My experience and qualifications arent so compelling EG ... But I do think my post is a fair one based purely on experience, rather than the speculative nonsense that has been posted on this thread. I also think its a balanced one, which is the kind of information all of us as EFL teachers need.

As far as I am aware. I am the only person in this thread who has actually worked at Omeida, so the only one qualified to give opinion, be it negative or positive. Trevor and his wife did work there, and started only a few days after he posted here, but he hasnt updated anthing.

I understand you had dealings with Odar and didnt like him ... fair enough, we arent all going to like everyone. I dont know about the contract you discussed in your earlier post, maybe they have changed, but I have a contract in front of me as I type. Page one clearly shows bonus after one year being 6000 rmb, with a further travel bonus of 2000 on completion of a one year contract, giving a total of 8000 RMB. That is very clear on all current contracts ... contracts issued since Dec 2009.

In addition ... I know of one teacher who finished his contract early, and rather than being subject to the breach penalty and losing bonus, was still paid bonus on the basis of months worked ( 'X' months worked x 500 RMB). This flies in the face of suggestions of Omeida using excuses to not pay any bonus to FTs.

Likewise with the suggestion of Omeida using (and even encouraging) student feedback to penalise teachers. Another wildly inaccurate assertion in this thread. I do know of teachers there who have received a number of complaints ... IMO, they have been justified complaints too. For example, a teacher delivering lecture type lessons for 4 x 90 min lessons in succession about Western food. Lesson content TTT=80% STT=20%. Another example ... a teacher deciding to offer a week of themed lessons with the following type of article - 'Chinese Politicians Take Bribes', 'Why Chinese Men Visit Prostitutes' etc. One topic of this nature each day, for 5 days. Both of these teachers are still there, still being paid...and Im sure will still get their bonus at the end of the contract.

I know from reading your posts on Daves, you have been around long enough to know that delivering lessons of that nature time after time should spell doom for a teacher really. I havent seen evidence of that at Omeida, but I have seen evidence that these teachers are given more than enough time and support to improve. Omeida is not a 'hire and fire' place.

Anyway...apart from anything else, this thread was initially started by someone requesting feedback from someone who has recently worked at Omeida. I hope my posts provide that.

In summary for anyone considering Omeida

Small classes of motivated adult students (typically 4 - 8 students per class)
No weekend or evening classes
Transparency and good communication with education department regarding schedules etc.
Always paid on time with no hidden surprises or deductions in salary.
A chance to practice and develop new lesson ideas/plans
Friendly students offering lots of social opportunities
Lots of Westerners in Yangshuo for a more Western social experience

Low salary compared to some jobs in China
Oral college means less chance to focus on other skills and develop your own teaching skills in these areas
Lots of Westerners in Yangshuo. Yangshuo can be busy during holiday periods.
Freedom to practice new lesson ideas/plans can be a disadvantage to some new teachers who need more training
5 x 90 min lessons per week with the same group of students means more planning is needed than in a typical Uni gig

Messages In This Thread
China: Omeida Language College in Yangshuo -- C -- 2008-10-22
Re Omeida Language College in Yangshuo -- Michael -- 2010-11-23
Re Omeida Language College in Yangshuo -- Nick Pellatt -- 2010-06-17
Re Omeida Language College in Yangshuo -- englishgibson -- 2010-06-18
Re Omeida Language College in Yangshuo -- Nick Pellatt -- 2010-06-18
Re Omeida Language College in Yangshuo -- englishgibson -- 2010-06-19
Re Omeida Language College in Yangshuo -- Nick Pellatt -- 2010-06-19
Re: Omeida Language College in Yangshuo -- Angie -- 2009-12-10
Re: Omeida Language College in Yangshuo -- Trevor Furner -- 2009-12-13
Re: Omeida Language College in Yangshuo -- Ex-tc -- 2009-12-14
Re: Omeida Language College in Yangshuo -- CSUWS -- 2009-12-14
Re: Omeida Language College in Yangshuo -- Ex-TC -- 2009-12-11
Re: Omeida Language College in Yangshuo -- Monitor -- 2009-12-11
Re: Omeida Language College in Yangshuo -- Ex-TC -- 2009-12-11
Re: Omeida Language College in Yangshuo -- Laurence -- 2009-12-10
Re: Omeida Language College in Yangshuo -- CSUWS -- 2009-12-10
Re: Omeida Language College in Yangshuo -- englishgibson -- 2009-12-11
Re: Omeida Language College in Yangshuo -- englishgibson -- 2009-12-06
Re: Omeida Language College in Yangshuo -- Ex-TC Teacher -- 2009-06-23
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