View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Canada International School in KOREA is NOT the black list anymore!
Sarah Hurley - 2010-06-29

I had a 12 month contract with Canada International School in Gangnam starting in April 2009. Previously, I had been teaching in Toronto for 3 years. After being at CIS for exactly 10 months I was called down to the office by the principal Saehee Kim. She then handed me a letter with 3 lines, telling me that she was sorry to inform me that my contract at CIS had been terminated and that I must teach for exactly 30 more days before having to leave the school. It was so unexpected since I had never been given any warning letters. All they wanted to do was terminate me before I could get my severence pay and my plane ticket. I had to fight until the very last day to get the money that I deserved. Saehee Kim is a lap dog for the owner Mr. Kim. She will do anything that he tells her to do. Mr. Kim wanted to do the same to one other couple who was working at the school, however, he spared them their job because he didn't want to fire a "male". Also, he has said outright that a contract at CIS means absolutely nothing to him and can be broken at any time. There are countless other stories that I could go on about. However, because of policies on the internet, I cannot tell you the truth about Mr. Kim, his lifestyle, or the other staff members at other locations that got fired because of their sexual orientation or the colour of their skin. Please do yourself a favour and take the time to research other schools. I think that Korea is an amazing country and that you can have a wonderful experience if you choose correctly. Good luck.

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