View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › how hard is it for a non-native speaker to get a job in Europe? - ESL discussion
Leo - 2005-03-27

Hello everyone. I am an Italian graduate in Foreign Language studies who would now like to become an English teacher.
I am therefore considering taking some tefl course in order to get a proper qualification.
I've been reading many of the discussions in this forum concerning the suitability of non-native speakers for teaching English as a second language.
My question is rather direct and clear: provided a non-native English tacher has the proper qualification (say bachelor degree+celta course for example), how difficult is it for him/her to get a job in Europe? Is it easy/possible/impossible/really really hard to get a job as a non-native speaker? Is it really worth getting through the hassle of leaving one's job and completing the course to then realise it is not a career which can be pursued?
I would really be grateful if anyone was able to help me with my query. thanks >\-|

Messages In This Thread
how hard is it for a non-native speaker to get a job in Europe? - ESL discussion -- Leo -- 2005-03-27
not likely... - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-03-28
Test around you - ESL discussion -- Adriano -- 2005-03-27
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › how hard is it for a non-native speaker to get a job in Europe? - ESL discussion

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