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Mike B. - 2005-03-28

I'm not Canadian, over 40 not 50, and have only been in Asia for 7 months, but maybe my comments will be of some help.

If you look for a job from halfway around the world and you are not the "ideal" teacher, young, blonde, Canadian and female with little ot no eperience, then you aren't likely to be snapped up too quickly. In fact, if a company is considering going to all the expense of bringing you over you should ask yourself why?

However, if you are a decent teacher with experience, well presented, and mature (clean-living counts here) then I'm certain you can find a school that will appreciate your skills. Go to the country you want to teach in, meet people face to face, promote yourself and check out the conditions in which you will be living and working.

I wasn't having much luck looking for work in Korea from Mexico, where I had been living, but when I flew over here at my own expense I found a nice job that suits me almost perfectly. I could have found any old job in a couple of days, the one I got took me less than two weeks to find.

If I could save enough for my airfare on a Mexican salary I'm sure you can do the same. Give it a go.

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Just do it! - ESL discussion -- Mike B. -- 2005-03-28
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