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Justin - 2010-08-04

I've always felt somewhat uncomfortable calling someone by their "English name". Even strangers, I would ask for their real name and just use that. I also don't really agree with the concept of adopting a foreign name. My question to you is, do you go by their English names in your classes or their real names? What is the standard? Would I be doing my students a disservice by making them use their real names?

Also, I was thinking of passing around a "seating chart" where they can fill in their names with both characters and pinyin so that I can more easily remember their names and take attendance quickly without speaking. However, I may call their names one by one to help with learning their names. The only thing I don't like about this is that once the chart is made the students would feel they are restricted in where they sit. I would rather they not feel so controlled. Comments?

Messages In This Thread
English names and attendance -- Justin -- 2010-08-04
Re: English names and attendance -- englishgibson -- 2010-08-07
Re: English names and attendance -- Justin P. -- 2010-08-07
Re: English names and attendance -- English Names ? Hahaha ! -- 2010-08-05
Re: English names and attendance -- Justin P. -- 2010-08-04
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