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tianjinrobbie - 2010-08-08
In response to Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English (smiler)

because most people with good morals and values, would never stoop to such low levels trying to defend what is not true

But it is true Smiler, that's just the thing mate. I don't know in which capacity you were employed at Hampson, part time I assume, but this is the full time contract and agreement. Part time teachers do not get paid for cancelled classes unless of course they are cancelled on the day they were to take place, full time teachers are getting a fixed set salary for a set amount of hours so it makes no difference at all to them.

Part time teachers do not get sick pay, if they are ill they loose money because they don't teach. Full timers still get their salary, you have to provide proof of a hospital/doctor visit which sure, can be a pain in the arse when you are simply, generally ill and just wanted to stay in bed and get better, but at least you still get paid. If you were to fall ill on the day however, as was the case for me recently, then you 'may' I repeat 'may' loose some money. When this just happened to me, one student had arrived at the centre and I was unable to continue teaching, I paid them 100RMB for the class, that's pretty fair in my opinion, my other students were informed and I paid nothing. Considering most recruiters won't pay you squat if you are off ill even as a full time teacher, I think Hampsons deal is quite appealing.

Food Allowance, ok this is nothing to write home about. Every so many months you get a package arrives from Beijing full of whatever they bought for everyone. Nuts, Snacks and whatever, usually around the 150/200RMB mark each. They used to simply ask what you wanted and then someone at your centre would do some shopping for everyone, now they supply this instead. Not always suitable if you don't like what has been bought, but then they don't have to do this, it's a gesture and one which I am happy of. We have a saying where I come from "It's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick!".

Accommodation, no there is no accommodation supplied here. Tell me Smiler, have you ever seen a school offering 'free' accommodation before that was not paying you less than those who do not take the so called free accommodation? So do the math, it's not f@@king free is it. What you in fact get is some of the shittiest and lowest standard apartments around. Often shared and sometimes in the most remote parts of the city so they can keep the cost down. Most FT's end up leaving eventually and look for their own apartment anyway, so who gives a damn about free accommodation. Hampson tend to employ FT's who are already in China, I bet you'd get some help if you were still in the west and arriving here.

Visa, my working permit and FEC are in the process of being renewed as I speak. Were obtained by Hampson last year and I am on the correct one, starting with a Z visa as I returned to China and then a residency permit and FEC. Any questions ?????

Contract, not sure if it was one of your complaints but I read somewhere here about Hampson NOT stamping their contracts, Mines stamped, theres a big red company chop on each page. I will photograph and post it up if you like.

Deposit, so they take a deposit. How many companies in the education sector are in the position of actually taking legal action against a laowai for breach of thir contract? Very few is the answer, it takes so long for things to filter through the labour courts that by that time, they may have left the country, moved on to another city, anything. Hampson are understandably a little sick of crap FT's coming along, and when they get bored, find the grass is greener elsewhere, leave without the courtesy of even telling them. I take it you are from the UK? Ever heard of working week or a month in hand? What happens if you up and leave without giving the company the required period of notice stated in your contract? Answer, you loose you week/month in hand. I have seen so many fresh out of school teenagers rolling back in to a company and screaming blue bloody murder because they feel badly done to after not receiving theirs when they broke their contractual agreement. I get the feeling that many laowai here are the same, unable to find employment in their own country due to the current economic climate they come over here to teach. Have no previous experience of work and expect everything in their favour. The deposit simply goes some way to ensuring that most laowai do not take the piss, it's a fair, logical and completely acceptable clause in my opinion.

Bonus, yes they do pay 3 bonuses a year to the full time FT actually. 1st after 6 months, 2nd and 3rd after the 12th month. The 2nd and 3rd could be counted as just one larger bonus as you get them at the same time, but nevertheless there are still three bonuses. Bonus is exactly what it says it is, a bonus. Just like bonus you earn in a western company you have to meet certain criteria to receive it. When I earned bonus in the UK, failure to meet target resulted in failure to earn bonus, the same thing applies here, and at least Hampson have the decency to recalculate it and pay you a percentage of the bonus if you fail to meet the criteria that is stated in your contract. Most western companies have something like a 90% or higher target rate to get a reduced bonus, anything below that and your shit out of luck.

Holiday pay, full time teachers get all national holidays paid plus additional two weeks paid holiday. The last school I worked for did no such thing. When the holidays arrived you were out of pocket. The school holiday periods for an FT are much longer than the school is closed in most cases to, because many schools do not need the FT to come in during the lead up to the holidays, or for that matter initially just after. That means most FT's have a significant period of technically unemployment. Another point worth making is that many of the recruiters do not want you working anywhere else at any time either. So even though many do, you are really supposed to be sat on your arse, twiddling your thumbs during this time. I was lucky when last in that position, I had a Chinese family to help out. Many teachers are left high and dry with rent and food to pay for and no income.

No one can deny that for some, working in a part time capacity at any training centre has its drawbacks when compared to a typical school/recruiter contract, why do you think I didn't take the part time deal. I see many FT's who have to jump between one centre and and another to ensure a steady work flow, but that is the nature of the beast. Having a family myself, I certainly did not want all the hassle of having to do that so chose to work full time and it suits me just fine.

Any more questions ?

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Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English -- smiler -- 2010-08-08
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English -- tianjinrobbie -- 2010-08-08
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Re: Get real! hampson contract, Page 2 of 4 -- smiler -- 2010-08-10
Re: Get real! hampson contract, Page 3 of 4 -- smiler -- 2010-08-10
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Re: Get real! hampson contract, Page 3 of 4 -- smiler -- 2010-08-11
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Re: Get real! -- smiler -- 2010-08-09
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Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English -- smiler -- 2010-07-23
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Crappy Hampson -- 2010-07-23
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English -- smiler -- 2010-07-24
some simple questions for hampsom. yes, stay tuned -- smiler -- 2010-07-21
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Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Chengdu ft -- 2009-07-21
Re: Anyone heard of Hampson English -- HireEd -- 2009-07-21
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