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Ex Yuming teacher - 2010-08-08
In response to Re: Yuming Education (yumingjiaoyu)

The Notice Of Yuming Education Center
Recently, the individual people who owned personal purpose to spread malicious posts to damage the reputation of Yuming education center on the internet, these posts are not tally with the fact and caused serious economic losses. We have already hold a throughing investigate this event. And the causes of the serious consequences, We will be in accordance with the judicial proceedings to prosecute, investigation of his criminal responsibility and civil compensation.
Yuming eudcation center legal team and the whole member of Yuming

What is a throughing investigate ??? And how come nearly a year and a half later you are still posting this crap all over the net. You cannot sue someone for telling the truth, nor can you sue someone for giving their opinion on your company. You talk the biggest load of bullshit anyone has ever heard.

you post up fake reviews from fake teachers in pigeon English trying to defend yourselves and when people see right through that, get some new FT to translate your Chinglish into something grammatically correct and keep posting the same review over and over again.

I have not seen one independent review from a real teacher anywhere to date.

You're a shit outfit full of greedy people who act more like a mafia group than someone involved in the education section. You treat your teachers like shit and screw them over at the drop of a hat.

I really hope the statement about serious economic losses is true, I really do. Lets hope you suffer enough losses to finally put you out of business for good you set of robbing, cheating assholes.

Here's hoping you step out under a fast moving bus on Pukou Dao and get splattered along the street, I for one will dance, sing and throw a big party for the driver.

Messages In This Thread
Yuming Education -- john -- 2007-11-21
Re: Yuming Education -- RG -- 2008-05-07
Re: Yuming Education -- yumingjiaoyu -- 2009-07-21
Re: Yuming Education -- Ex Yuming teacher -- 2010-08-08
Re: Yuming Education -- HireEd -- 2009-07-21
Re: Yuming Education -- ESL -- 2010-08-08
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