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The Arrogant One - 2005-03-29

Aging seems a normal enough undertaking, albeit the way some younger folks react, its like the kiss of death especially when it comes to employing older individuals in their predominately youthful commercial domains.

Ive been involved in ESL over the past 20 or so years, as teacher, administrator, and curriculum writer both here in the USA and abroad. Ive been a part of the good, the bad, and the indifferent of the industry, yet this is the first occasion I've been personally subject to what seems to be a steadily growing bias against the older ESL instructor. In fact, what Ive noted is a stronger preference for the younger instructor qualified or not primarily in order to satisfy the expectations of todays youthful language students, and thus guaranteeing the filled coffers of the ESL learning facility. Not only has this trend affected schools here in North America, but also those of Asia and Europe. Granted there are some older teachers still on the job, it would appear a growing number have been facing an employment drought in the industry.

What to do? Form a union? Wage a huge oral protest? Make school owners an offer they cant refuse? I doubt any of this would work. Instead, I believe we old timers must appeal to reason by simply citing the facts. What do you actually get with younger teachers especially those hired for their youth and Hollywoodish looks alone? Lack of training, tardiness, laziness, peregrination and, most of all, lack of experience. In contrast, with the older set YES, you can often confront a know-it-all attitude, and YES, you can get some negative thinking and some not-so-fond reminiscences thrown in for good measure B-U-T, youll also usually get hard work, dedication, (often) unpaid overtime, experience in training the younger instructor, as well as the professional handling of practically anything that comes down the pike or that has to be innovated. Thats typically the story of us old timers, Mr. Employer. Now, it would appear your choice is whether you want to maintain a stage for entertainers or a professional learning center for the long haul. If the latter be the case, please know that I am ready, willing, and able to assist you to that end.

I look forward to hearing from you.

The Arrogant One

Messages In This Thread
Ahem...Ahem...While we're on the subject of "bias," Mr. ESL Employer... - ESL discussion -- The Arrogant One -- 2005-03-29
Don't wait - ESL discussion -- Mike B. -- 2005-04-04
Yes, Mike, sales IS a fulltime proposition - ESL discussion -- The Arrogant One -- 2005-04-04
EFL Techers Union - ESL discussion -- Gary Harwell -- 2005-04-03
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