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Ivan Milat El Terriblest - 2010-09-02

This opportunity has saved me from my further wasting my time in China and playing the role of a white monkey in a muppet show.

What you have said here makes me think you are actually still in China. You sound very much like someone I met, and who still is now in Changsha city.

As the Chinese enter the African continent to exploit the natural resources there; I can perhaps also my Kenyan friends, brothers and sisters deal with that new challenge and to help them getting things in perspective.

Yes, because we all know the British never exploited Kenya/Africa, did they? You are probably one of these westerners who criticize China for it's environmental record because it's a developing country, yet ignore the fact that Victorian Britain was horrifically polluted.

Did you know that there are thousands of Chinese in Kenya involved in developing infrastructure - Chinese companies using Chinese prisoners as cheap labourers to construct roads in Kenya (a thing that is urgently needed)?

Let's ask this question. Why can't the Kenyans build roads by themselves? It's their corrupt leaders who don't give a toss and embezzle donations from the west for themselves, and an unwillingness to "get their act together" and blame all their bad lot in life on the white man. No-one nation owes them anything, not China, nor the West. They are their own worst enemy. Yet still aid and donations pour in from the West and humanitarian organizations. The Chinese, are astute enough, not to build the roads for free and employ their own cheap labour to build them. Then I say fair play to them.

It's only a pity that one the side, they are economically quite successful but that on the other hand they are still so much backwards in educational matters.

Yet they can build roads, high speed railways, airports, container ports, new city districts and support the largest mobile network in the world. Most people in africa don't even have land line phones and have to rely upon mobile phones. I met a guy from Nigeria who told me the buses are better in China because they actually have doors on the bus, and not people hanging out of them!!

But fine call China "backwards" in educational matters. It is my right to disagree with you, because from where I am standing, it looks as if they are getting a hell of a lot of things right, "backwards" education or not, at least compared to other parts of the world.

I am sure that nations like Kenya will be much better in education than China in the future.

And you are an authority on this? Please present evidence/research/statistics, otherwise what you assert is meaningless.

Cheers and beers in the steppes/valleys!

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Re: The croc is back in good old shape -- Ivan Milat El Terriblest -- 2010-09-02
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