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Contributor - 2010-09-02

Fair's fair, Ivan M (or Alain M or whatever your name is)!

The university's employment ad invited teachers from the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand (your email address is Hungary?) to enquire with the university about available teaching positions. The ad does not request anyone to send in any documentation.

I don't think it is unreasonable for any employer in any country to ignore (fail to respond to) any job applicant who does not meet the specified prerequisites.

Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology will need 1-2 friendly, experienced and responsible foreign teachers (from UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Newzealand) in the coming academic year (30th Aug. 2010-10th July 2011).

If you are qualified and interested, please contact:
Mr. Charming Zhang
International Office
Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology
No. 139 Guandu Erlu
Maoming, 525000
Guangdong Province, China
Tel: 86-668-2923719
Fax: 86-668-2873904

Messages In This Thread
China: Mr Charming Zhang and Maoming Petrochemical Uni -- Ivan Milatsky -- 2010-09-01
Re: Mr Charming Zhang and Maoming Petrochemical Uni -- Contributor -- 2010-09-02
Re: Mr Charming Zhang and Maoming Petrochemical Uni -- englishgibson -- 2010-09-03
Re: Mr Charming Zhang and Maoming Petrochemical Uni -- Ivan Milaat -- 2010-09-03
Re: Mr Charming Zhang and Maoming Petrochemical Uni -- Ivanhoe -- 2010-09-03
Re: Mr Charming Zhang and Maoming Petrochemical Uni -- englishgibson -- 2010-09-02
Re: Mr Charming Zhang and Maoming Petrochemical Uni -- Ivan Milatsky -- 2010-09-02
Re: Mr Charming Zhang and Maoming Petrochemical Uni -- Justin -- 2010-09-16
Re: Mr Charming Zhang and Maoming Petrochemical Uni -- IM -- 2010-09-16
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