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john boy - 2005-04-02
In response to (Message Deleted by Poster) (SARFO ANOKYE)

this is not, in my mind, a complicated issue. just about everyone knows (i love these kind of statements, and yes i know that not everyone knows, it a cheap rhetoric tactic, i still like it though)... where was i, oh yes... how racist chinese people are toward people of african descent. i have met very few chinese people who would disagree with me when i make this state.

not to say that chinese people are unique, or evil, or special in anyway... misconceptions about black people, their intellectual capabilities and so on, are so widespread in most societies in the world, including black societies in africa, that it is hardly worth mentioning. and yeah, most of these assumptions have been "watered" by european colonialism and europe's obsession with the construction and manufacturing of their own superiority. they have categorically failed to do so... check the biology.

ok, sarfo, i would have to say that your english is not perfect. that is one thing. however, i would agree with you, this doesnt matter as much as not having white skin. i am currently living in slovenia for example, and know a few who have gone to china and other places to teach english. their english is not perfect now, so i wouldnt assume that it has somehow gotten worse since the time they were in china. the fact is that they are white. and straight up, chinese people, as well as most people in the world, are going to make different assumptions about who you are and what you are capable of based on the colour of your skin. (3rd person you)

however, i am currently living in slovenia teaching english. i finally managed to get a job here, after struggling for sometime, in a highschool. despite the fact that i have a masters degree, come from canada and speak perfect "accentless" english, it took me 8 months to get a job. actually, was only able to obtain this job because of family contacts... another story. anyways, white kids stroll in and pick up work without too much trouble at all. this is the way it worked in canada as well, this is the way it works in a lot of places, its the way it works here.

my father's suggestion was always (and i by no means wish to direct this statement at you sarfo, cause i know you know this, probably better than i do...)
his suggestion was, simply, a black person just has to be twice as good at everything they do. for me, someone who is pretty mediocre, i have to admit, this was a blow. luckily i am still canadian (part b of my fathers plan to have me live life free of the restrictions of being a nigger) and can use this to my advantage in most of the world to get privilige and be supported in my mediocracy, despite the fact that i am black. however, it is import to realize that my privilige is still largely based on my ability to "ape" whiteness.

Messages In This Thread
Non-native speaker -- Nadine -- 2005-02-08
re non-native speaker -- Felix -- 2005-02-09
Yes, China *No message* -- adam -- 2005-02-08
erm... ok... WHERE in China? :) -- Nadine -- 2005-02-08
Where in China -- Solomon -- 2005-02-09
Thank you! :) -- Nadine -- 2005-02-09
On other thing! Can I teach German as well? -- Nadine -- 2005-02-09
On other thing! Can I teach German as well? -- Solomon -- 2005-02-10
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