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Sanguine - 2010-09-26
In response to Is it possible to get Paid well in China? (Shinning)

Hmm, an interesting question. The truth is that you can live very well on what you make here, in most cases. In fact, most people who come to work here live better than they did in the west. The RMB has a lot of purchase power, not to mention that you make a lot more than the average Chinese. Living here comfortable is not usually a problem.

Now, saving money, that is another matter. Some people who come here will make 5,500 yuan, and only spend 500 to a thousand a month, only spending what they need to survive. That being the case, the answer is yes, you could save a fair amount here, if you want. However, you would not live so well. You would not be able to eat out hardly ever, you would not be able to really enjoy yourself, as you'd only be working, eating, and sleeping. If surviving is all that matters to you, you can save here.

Most foreigners are not able to save too much during their time here, that's just the simple truth. They may save enough to buy a ticket home, because it's unlikely you'll get that end of contract airfare, no matter what the school may say to the contrary.

If it sounds like I am painting a dim picture, the reason for that is that it is dim, very dim. If you were to go back even 5 years, things were a little better, but still crap. However schools routinely gave an end of contract bonus, usually equivalent to a months pay. No longer.

The answer to both is yes, and if you are prepared to sacrifice you could save a fair amount here. You also can find good work, your odds of doing so being much better if you work for a University or some other public institution. The pay won't be as much in this case, but you will likely have more perks, and better living conditions.

My advice would be to go to Japan. You'll make more than twice as much as you would in China, at least generally speaking, and you won't have to worry very much about being screwed over. not that you could not make large amounts in China, however in most cases this only happens if you work for a "real" international school. These places often pay 18,000 rmb or more a month. If you encounter someplace calling itself an international school and they only pay 6,000 a month, then it's not an international school. Many places call themselves international schools to seem more prestigious and of better quality. Also, real international schools are not common, and rarely advertise, as many such places find teachers through other employees, or word of mouth. They also have less turnover, so many people stay on longer because the job is of better quality than the norm. Consequently, finding such a job is almost impossible, so were I you I would not consider such a position as a realistic option at this time.

I'd advise going elsewhere, but if you have your heart set on coming here, only go to work at a public school, and never ever find a job using a recruiter. They are simply middle men taking a chunk of money that should inevitably be going into your pocket. They are useless and only exist because a lot of schools are either lazy, uneducated in regards to foreigners and how to find them, and don't know how to use the simple tool that is the internet. Or they are a school of such terrible quality that they have to resort to a recruiter, as recruiters generally help employ those who can't be employed anywhere else meaning legal employment with the proper work permit.

The odds are against finding a great job here, others may disagree with me on this point. Most will agree the environment here is not so great. Com to China at your own peril I say, and be ever vigilant before, and during your entire stay here, especially as a female teacher. If you come here alone that comes with a lot of it's own perils. Many Chinese bosses see a single female employee as giving them license to hit and molest them simply because they are single and living alone. It seems like this is often viewed as invitation, and I have read far too many accounts of such things happening, and know this not to be a uncommon phenomenon.

Bottom line, go elsewhere, but if you must come here, research everything up front, from where you will be living to who you will be working for. Also, do not come here without the proper visa. If you do this, and only work for a public school, your odds are a lot better. Hope I've been of some small help.

Messages In This Thread
Is it possible to get Paid well in China? -- Shinning -- 2010-09-25
Re: Is it possible to get Paid well in China? -- Chengdu FT -- 2010-09-28
Re: Is it possible to get Paid well in China? -- Sanguine -- 2010-09-26
Re: Thanks for the info, and on treatment of female teachers -- Dragonized -- 2010-09-27
Re: Is it possible to get Paid well in China? -- englishgibson -- 2010-09-26
Re: Is it possible to get Paid well in China? -- Oldtimer -- 2010-09-26
Re: Is it possible to get Paid well in China? -- Sanguine -- 2010-09-26
Re: Is it possible to get Paid well in China? -- Oldtimer -- 2010-09-26
Re: Is it possible to get Paid well in China? -- englishgibson -- 2010-09-27
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