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Mike B. - 2005-04-04

"look forward to hearing from you.."

Don't wait to hear from those employers who want a decent teacher, if they are serious employers then the serious teachers will be after them. Get out and sell youself, if you want to sit on your butt looking at your email until you get flooded with job offers you you need to be a Canadian Barbie who just emerged from what passes for a university these days.

Serious teachers will find serious jobs, but let's face it, they probably won't come dropping from the heavens, or diving into your hotmail Inbox.

Messages In This Thread
Ahem...Ahem...While we're on the subject of "bias," Mr. ESL Employer... - ESL discussion -- The Arrogant One -- 2005-03-29
Don't wait - ESL discussion -- Mike B. -- 2005-04-04
Yes, Mike, sales IS a fulltime proposition - ESL discussion -- The Arrogant One -- 2005-04-04
EFL Techers Union - ESL discussion -- Gary Harwell -- 2005-04-03
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