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Sanguine - 2010-10-18

Silverboy if you read my post again I was not making excuses for the Chinese at all, but merely remonstrating the person who posted for complaining about responses he himself asked for. I also said he would have been more wise to mind his own business, because in truth he is a guest here, not a political or social reformer, that is for this countries own people to do, not us. I personally did not come here to change their society, and I don't need to like what is done here to respect it, at least superficially. You make the mistake of trying to brand m e as for one side or another, when it is pretty clear I am speaking from a more neutral, rationale viewpoint, whilst you clearly are not with your impassioned, but misguided accusation that I am somehow biased. Please read my prior posts on this board, I have been nothing but fair and balanced, though not always on the teachers side, because foreigner or not, everyone makes mistakes.

You do indeed have every right to speak out and say whatever you like, and the school has every right to fire, or not rehire you, this is all I was saying. I question the sense of raising such an issue when doing so will not do any good. You or I are not citizens here, we have no rights. Were this America or Australia where you come fro, I'd applaud someone standing up for such. However here, it is none of our business. Now if this was happening to the teacher himself, that's different, but it was not, and he made that clear.

I really should not have to defend myself Silverboy, and in truth you seem to attack various people with the what is your excuse of being an outlaw of sorts and standing up for peoples rights. I just seem someone looking for an excuse to attack others, period. In turn you make a lot of enemies you don't have to. I am not your enemy, but you seem determined to make them anyways.

I am not biased one way or another in this matter, though I have little respect for most training schools and English programs here. That said, if I don't like it, I just don't work there. If you "choose" to work somewhere, and you see the staff or the school itself doing things you disagree with, be my guest and speak up if you feel it will make some kind of difference. However there are consequences, and you actually won't make any difference. It's also none of your business, and we foreigners are not the moral or ethical police of the world. Best to be the guest that you are, accept the hospitality given, and do your job, unless "you" are mistreated in some way, or your fellow foreigners. As for trying to "protect" innocent Chinese students being duped by the school to buy and use cell phones, hardly the OP's business> I think you speak out a lot Silverboy simply for the sake of speaking out. Find better targets, as I am not your enemy, unless you choose to make me one of course, and that's also a choice. Good bye.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Spying on Students? -- Sanguine -- 2010-10-18
Re: Spying on Students? -- The Analyzer -- 2010-10-19
Re: Spying on Students? -- Sanguine -- 2010-10-19
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