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Sanguine - 2010-10-19
In response to Re: Spying on Students? (Dragonized)

That's fine Sanguine, you're entitled to what you believe in. Deep down I think you know we're right about it.

Right about what dragonized? I am still trying to figure out what your cause is that's got you so up in arms. Imaginary spying done by a school forcing students to buy cell phones? While I don't know it is not happening, it would be rather circularly logical to assume that it is because you don't know that it isn't. Is that what you are saying you think I know you are right about?

Honestly, I think some of the people on here get so up in arms just for the sake of getting up in arms that half the time they don't even know what they are up in arms about, LOL. There is a decided lack of focus, and a whole lot of anger by some, ready to be directed at anyone who disagrees.

Just for the record, if you are talking about students being spied on, I am not in favor of such, and do not support it. If I felt as strongly about it as the OP does, I would quit and find another job, or compromise and stay. You don't get to have it both though, and screw the school and get to stay, especially if they have honored their contract.

Privacy does have a different meaning here, meaning it is not as important in practice, though in theory it is. Still I am sure "if" students were being spied upon they would of course object. Personally I think the school is way out of line, but that's from my point of view, not theirs. The students are likely not happy with it, and if so, let them speak up. People seem to forget that these people, i.e. the Chinese, have a voice, and they can choose to use it, or not, as they see fit. My special position as a foreigner, and outsider, while protecting me to a certain point, doesn't make me morally superior, and it certainly doesn't make me the champion of the downtrodden.

Others have said this and now I will, I see too much of a "white man will save the poor Chinese" attitude, on here, as if they need saving. You can't save or even help those who do not ask for your help. Whether they would love to have it is hardly the case, they have to actually do something about it. While it's noble to think you can help, and "maybe" to try, you won't do any real good unless others who are members of this society do something, that's the real bottom line.

I hear a lot of revolutionary talk, the same kind that was likely heard in America before it broke away from England, however we are not revolutionaries, and too many people commenting have a real superiority complex, and embrace hubris big time to think that their actions will change anything in a country where the population will not themselves work for change. That is naive thinking for sure, and attacking the messenger for pointing this obvious point out doesn't change anything.

In the end we are all just guests in a country with so many people we are barely a drop in an ocean. You may be treated like a celebrity at times, gushed over, and made to feel important, but you are not. You are just another foreigner, who in most peoples eyes arrogantly tries to impose your moral beliefs on people who will see this fact far more than they will the message you are trying to send, or have people forgotten how nationalistic the Chinese are?

I think this forum does a lot of good, I just think that some of the long time members here get off track sometimes, adopt a soap box, self righteous mentality far too often, disregarding others casually, and far too often look at things in black a black and white manner, missing all the shades of gray in between. Is it any wonder there is no solidarity with all the bickering going on?

Messages In This Thread
Re: Spying on Students? -- Dragonized -- 2010-10-16
Re: Spying on Students? -- Sanguine -- 2010-10-19
Re: Spying on Students? -- Sanguine -- 2010-10-18
Re: Spying on Students? -- Dragonized -- 2010-10-18
Re: Spying on Students? -- Sanguine -- 2010-10-19
Re: Spying on Students? -- Dragonized -- 2010-10-19
Re: Spying on Students? -- Dragonized -- 2010-10-18
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