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Sanguine - 2010-10-20

If you're telling me that in the 10 years of living in China you have merely brushed off the opinion of ANY person, Chinese or Foreign, who have a different opinion than yours then you've shown us as someone who only listens to himself. This means you carry an innate prejudice as well as a big superiority complex.

I would think that this person must suffer from a kind of inferiority complex. Look at phrases like these: "This I don't like", "I think X has lost my admiration", etc. - it's all about him and his sentiments!

Is he "speaking out for the sake of speaking out" as he claimed in the case of the Silverboy poster?

Quite likely as only someone with a strong inferiority complex would care, and I bet the Sanguine poster does care!

In response to the first poster, I've no idea what this person is talking about. All I see on this board are a lot of self proclaimed long timers totally disregarding the words of others and banding together as yes men for one another to support each other. Hence, such a sentiment directed at myself holds little weight.

No, I have no superiority complex, nor inferiority, I don't think in such terms, nor do I believe I am better or worse than anyone else. Can other posters here say the same, such as the Turnoi poster? I think not, and let's look his response, which is in large letters and comes second, to see what I mean.

He is himself engaging in psuedo psychology, which in his own words holds little if any validity. Unless of course he is the one doing it, then it is quite valid. Clearly he this poster believes that he, above anyone else, has the ability to do what he claims others can not do, and is pseudo science, at best, in the hands of anyone else except himself. This is either someone who believes they are better than others, or? Well I can not think of an or, clearly he can do what others can not.

He makes a lot of assumptions, speaking to his total sureness in the accuracy of his words. He speaks in absolutes about being right or wrong. hardly the words and actions of a humble man. I do not do this, and yet, I am being branded by this person what he and others clearly are. Come on people, look at the postings, and you will see for yourself.

Now of course what is really going on here is that the Turnoi poster feels threatened, is lashing out, and feels a certain level of invulnerability due to his supposed high standing here. This seems to be true, as much if not all he does is ignored, whilst others are called on similar actions. However I think if Turnoi poster keeps going with his unsubstantiated and baseless accusations, I think he will have dug his own grave, saving others the trouble.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Spying on Students? -- Sanguine -- 2010-10-20
Re: Spying on Students? -- Dragonized -- 2010-10-21
Re: Spying on Students? -- Sanguine -- 2010-10-21
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