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Monitor - 2010-10-22

Exactly the same trash that was posted by those who outed themselves as advocates of using fake degrees issued by degree mills to cheat Chinese employers for a higher salary. Some other posters including myself (Turnoi) were "attacked" with such and similar statements for taking a clear stand against such unethical practices.
Whatever trash those advocating unethical practices may post, it does not make an utterly wrong thing right, and it only attests to their low mentality in that respect. Period.

OK let me get this straight, because someone who advocated fake degrees also said you were more or less a pompous *** and that you live in an ivory tower, now anyone who says this advocated unethical practices? Wow, the connections you make and the logic, well it's just astonishing. Beware saying anything critical of Turnoi, he won't debate you or discuss the point you bring up, he will simply attack.


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Re: Spying on Students? -- Monitor -- 2010-10-22
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