View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re very disturbing video
Sanguine - 2010-10-23

This is your classic snuff film, a myth, mostly a myth, nothing more. Snuff films in general are not real, in fact to ever come across one that is authentic is more rare than diamonds. Not to say snuff films have not been made, but few if any examples of real ones can be presented. Simply too much risk, and it's far too easy to fake with today's modern film tech. Odds are far greater it is a fake.

Anyway, why be in an internet bar? Do you not have a computer of your own? Is it in the fritz? I found in my time working for schools that they often provide crap computers. My advice, head down to the computer bazaar in your city, every major Chinese city has such a place. Get yourself a good PC, or lap top. Don't rely on the trash computers provided by your school, or you'll be spending half your time in internet bars.

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Re very disturbing video -- Sanguine -- 2010-10-23
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