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Sanguine - 2010-10-25

If there is any crap on my own turf I must try to clean it up!

Brave words Silverboy, but the real question is, have you?

In my time as a teacher I have had no such occurrences as some of those described here in regards to spying. Nor have a been faced with situations where I am presented with secret knowledge about what the school may or may not be doing to students. That said, I find all the pious talk on here about how "I would do something" to be a bit disingenuous. I think it's easy to say you'd do this or that when it's in the abstract, it's another thing entirely to actually "Do" something, and that's if you are every presented with such a situation. A big if at that.

I find the shameless self promotion and soap boxing going on rather absurd when the truth is that likely none of these people will be put in a situation where they must speak up about something, or lose their job. In truth it's just a bunch of people paying lip services to high minded ideals that they may or may not follow through on in real life. Until they have, it's all talk, and means nothing, as anyone can say whatever they like, doesn't make it true. Argue how right and moral and noble you are in the abstract all you like, doesn't make it so. Sad.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Spying on Students? -- Sanguine -- 2010-10-25
Re: Spying on Students? -- Monitor -- 2010-10-25
Re: Spying on Students? -- Sanguine -- 2010-10-25
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