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Sanguine - 2010-11-02
In response to Re No future in ESL/TEFL (Visas Schmisas)

I think Visa Schmisas that it's all about priorities really. Posters like Silverboy and others are not so concerned about money I do not think, as they are about being comfortable. When you are in your 20's, and even early 30's, you have different priorities. Once you get into your late 30's to mid 40's, things change. Being comfortable becomes more important, career and money less so. Whether or not posters like Silverboy are happy is not really relevant, he seems content enough, and many are that work in such places. I suppose after having to deal with all the crap that comes with working at a training center, a bit of comfort and the ability to relax and xsimply do your job without interference would seem like a God send.

As for 8 hours a day in a training center, working at such a place is a rip off, and a total waste of time. If people are coming here to make money, they are coming to the wrong place to be totally honest. Except for a few rare jobs, work here in China pays ridiculously little for a westerner. By local standards it might be a fair amount, but compared to what the school is making the share you get is not the lions, that's for sure. Still if you plan to live here the rest of your life, or for a long time, it's a good option. Most younger people would not be content with such though, as evidenced by the constant turn around China gets.

You get a lot of younger 20 somethings trying to apply their ambition and need for more by becoming recruiters themselves, or an agent of some kind, these people I dislike more than any, as they constantly seek to use their fellow foreigner. China has enough Chinese recruiters without foreign ones.

Messages In This Thread
Re No future in ESL/TEFL -- Dragonized -- 2010-10-27
Re No future in ESL/TEFL -- Tonya Briggs -- 2010-10-28
Re No future in ESL/TEFL -- Visas Schmisas -- 2010-10-28
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