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Felix - 2005-04-11

How interesting it is to teach someone to stick to the facts.Facts give rise to facts, right?You teach me to stick to the facts by citing a Filipino,did David mention any Filipino in his writing?though i do not come from the Philippines equally as you do not come from China, what is your personal problem with English teachers from the Philippines.You would want to poison and shallow the minds of Chinese who are eager to embrace a broad based system of acquiring knowledge, but bear in mind that Chinese are intellectuals who know exactly what they want and they are doing their maximum effort to get just exactly what they want.No amount of your campaign against non-nativity or for nativity will alter the Chinese strong moral fiber. Korean is a language as well as English but hasn't yet got a wider audience as the English language and as such lacks qualified non-native teachers for that language.Chinese learn English and go beyond learning English, think twice

Messages In This Thread
Think twice - ESL discussion -- Felix -- 2005-04-11
warning - ESL discussion -- jinchafa -- 2005-04-11
who cares for his asian brothers and sisters!!! - ESL discussion -- betcha -- 2005-04-11
dime a dozen..... - ESL discussion -- yuniq -- 2005-04-30
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