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Hunt M. Allen - 2010-11-20
In response to Jeju Island (Cat)

I have taught in South Korea for two contracts with two different English Academies. I loved my entire experience there. They were both great. I just returned to the USA in September of 2010. I plan to go back very soon. Possibly in December or January. I am already talking with other schools about teaching there. I have also taught in China which was ok, but not as rewarding as South Korea. I do know that there are some schools in Korea which are not employee oriented, but there are many in China as well. The horror stories from friends who taught in China were many and really bad, but I have heard none in SK that compared to them. There are bad companies and schools to work for in the USA and everywhere. You just need to do your investigations and talk with former teachers there if possible. You can find answers about any SK school online if you check them out. I just wanted to tell you that of all the places I have taught outside the USA, South Korea was great. I loved teaching there, and I love the people there. It was a great experience for me. Unfortunately I have never worked in Jeju Island. Maybe you can check out the school online. Also aske the school for the names and email addresses of present and former teachers. Then check with them. Good Luck and Enjoy Korea. Friends of mine have told me that Jeju Island is beautiful, but I do not know anyone who has worked for the school you mentioned.

Messages In This Thread
Jeju Island -- Cat -- 2010-11-15
Re Jeju Island -- Rowan Wells -- 2011-01-28
Re Jeju Island -- Hunt M. Allen -- 2010-11-20
Re Jeju Island -- Sanguine -- 2010-11-20
Re Jeju Island -- Dr Moreau -- 2010-11-20
Re Jeju Island -- Sanguine -- 2010-11-19
Re Jeju Island -- Dr Shaun Hutchinson -- 2010-11-18
Re Jeju Island -- John -- 2010-11-19
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