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Sanguine - 2010-11-22

I see this also, this "might makes right" attitude, in this case numbers equals might. Chinese have a lot of odd notions. For example, many believe Chinese is the next great international language, and will replace English accordingly. They don't stop to look deeper at how very different their language is, and that it shares little in common with almost any other language, hence it being the next international language is unlikely. They also believe their country will be the next economic super power in a very short period of time. I'm not sure if the way their government is set up will make this a real possibility. Too much incompetence, too much corruption, too poor an education system.

Chinese may think their might lies in their numbers, but in truth that is very old world thinking. The world has changed in the last century or two, not it is innovation, imagination, and the technological break throughs that come with these things that make a country mighty. Numbers don't really matter so much any more. If they did, China with it's huge population would already be on top, as they were centuries ago.

In truth such beliefs as well as the Chinese sense of entitlement, where they believe it is OK for them to go and live anywhere else, but don't you dare think about settling in their country, comes from extreme ignorance, and arrogance. They could do to learn a thing or two from western countries, but their arrogance, and ignorance, brought about by years of blind nationalism and being cut off from the rest of the world, just won't allow that to happen. Immigrate to America, Immigrate to Canada, but don't you dare as a westerner think about doing the same, you've got it too good to be allowed to do that. Only we poor Chinese are allowed to do that. What a crock of s@@@.

Messages In This Thread
Re New York Times article: Zambia Balances Aid From China and Resentment -- Sanguine -- 2010-11-22
Re New York Times article: Zambia Balances Aid From China and Resentment -- juanisaac -- 2010-12-10
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