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jinchafa - 2005-04-11

Yes, it's true. There are a lot of us ESL teachers floating around right now. But ask yourself a pertinent question. How many of those teachers are getting quality jobs with quality pay? Very few actually. It takes awhile to learn the ins and outs of teaching in China, but ultimately if you have the proper credentials, qualifications and experience, you will find some decent paying and meaningful jobs. My personal fantasy is that EFL teachers in China will discover the meaning of solidarity. Eventually, we must all reach the point of realizing that all the bickering and in-fighting about mundane issues will get us nowhere. The real enemies are not found in our midst among us teachers, but are all around us disguised as genuine recruiters and employers. They are the ones who should receive the brunt of our attacks. If they fail, even in the slightest way, to honor their commitments, they should be chastized and brought down a notch or two by the power of the above mentioned solidarity and the power of the pen.

Messages In This Thread
just to warn non- native speakers who intends to work in china!!! - ESL discussion -- betcha -- 2005-04-10
dime a dozen - ESL discussion -- jinchafa -- 2005-04-11
Bravo - ESL discussion -- Art -- 2005-04-12
Well said - ESL discussion -- jinchafa -- 2005-04-12
RE: non-native speakers - ESL discussion -- David -- 2005-04-10
Well said - ESL discussion -- Art -- 2005-04-11
To ART - ESL discussion -- XYZ -- 2005-04-13
"FIVE YEARS NATIVE ENGLISH TEACHIN IN CHINA" - ESL discussion -- Felix -- 2005-04-11
A POSSIBLE ANSWER. - ESL discussion -- Felix -- 2005-04-10
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