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jinchafa - 2005-04-11
In response to Think twice - ESL discussion (Felix)

Greetings to those of you not familiar with teaching in China. You will notice that there is a recent posting asking for summer camp teachers. The poster's email address is sosokelly@.....
They ask that you send them 500 dollars to insure your seriousness and to secure your visa. Bogus! Never send money! Additionally, they're meager offer of 4000RMB for teaching 6 classes a day should be considered a mere pittance.
Again, never send money and do not trust any recruiting agency or "employer" that requests that you do so.

Messages In This Thread
Think twice - ESL discussion -- Felix -- 2005-04-11
warning - ESL discussion -- jinchafa -- 2005-04-11
who cares for his asian brothers and sisters!!! - ESL discussion -- betcha -- 2005-04-11
dime a dozen..... - ESL discussion -- yuniq -- 2005-04-30
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