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Micah - 2010-12-11

Does anyone really believe that nonsense?????!!!!
First of all, I doubt you were shocked by what you read online. You just wanted to respond to a teacher blacklisting the crappy hagwon that employs you. You ended up taking the word of a probably unqualified Korean hagwon principal over a certified experienced foreign teacher. Typical.
It simply does not make sense to fire someone with only two months left in their contract for any reason other than to save money. If the parents were complaining about a teacher, why continue to employ them for 10 months? Does that make sense? You make it sound like it was so nice of the principal to let her stay for the duration of her contract. If the principal were nice, why would she try to get rid of her 10 months into a 12 month contract without giving her any notice beforehand? Is that nice? I don't think so.
Also, to respond to your comment that "Thers (sic) is no gossip between teachers anymore," may I ask, what planet are you living on??? To think that the teachers refrain from talking about their jobs, past teachers, the administration, parents, and students, you have to be completely void of all common sense. Normal people vent their frustrations about their job and inform others of the past experiences of teachers at the school that they're working for.
There are some good hagwons in Korea. CIS is not one of them. The CIS in Ansan doesn't pay its teachers. That goes to show you how good CIS schools are. They're schools that try to fire teachers when they're almost done with their contracts (CIS Gangnam) and stop paying teachers (CIS Ansan) when the director gets short on money.
Don't work for CIS.

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