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Oldtimer - 2010-12-27
In response to Web International English (StuckInChina)

My criticisms are solely aimed at most of the branches in Jiangsu Province,......

It has recently been said on here that JiANGSU CHINESE are the most unfriendly and arrogant people in China. My experience of the few Jiangsuers I've taught outside that province confirms that to some extent. However, one shouldn't tar them all with the same brush. That said, I have no desire to teach in the more developed parts of the country. They're not the real China. Don't forget that developed places in China and big Chinese cities have their negatives as well as their positives!
As for Web, it's a training center, a dirty word as far as I'm concerned - teaching at any Chinese training center is bad news, too many horror stories to risk it for a biscuit!

Messages In This Thread
Web International English -- StuckInChina -- 2010-12-27
Re Web International English -- Zebra3 -- 2011-02-22
Re Web International English -- Oldtimer -- 2010-12-27
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