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Dragonized - 2010-12-28

Chinese people regard each other with disdain and contempt. The stereotyping of people based on where they are from and the discrimination towards minorities and people with a village background is absolutely horrible. China seems stuck on a neverending circle of ignorance with the treatment of its own people.

If you have a Uighur, Tibetan, or a name which doesn't sound Han you can forget about getting a good job and making yourself wealthy in China. If you don't hide your spiritual beliefs you can forget about having any sway in the power game. If you don't abide by the herd mentality you will be isolated and people will completely ignore your feelings and who you are when they talk to or about you. Such is the level of "civilization" in this country.

The contemptible behaviour of so many Chinese really is a part of the mentality of entitlement and self righteousness which has plagued this country for so long. China really hasn't made major, meaningful contributions to the whole improvement of humans (as in inventions, technological innovations, new ideas in thought/philosophy) since the beginning of the rennaissance in Europe. Seeing the world as a place they must improve upon is looked at with a lazy attitude.

Let's all stop giving the government of this place so much credit by acknowledging their propaganda of "harmonious", "developing nation", or "culture". Just proverbial smokescreens being made.

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Re China's problems -- Dragonized -- 2010-12-28
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