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Paul Weiss - 2011-01-05
In response to Re: Linyi Normal University (Gareth Mostert)

I would like to very respectfully answer this poster's remarks.

I have never been employed by this university. I have had several colleagues there and have dealt with this university in other ways.

First, from my colleagues : the housing apparently is dreadful, just dreadful. There is no other way around it. All three of my colleagues have described it as dreadful -- the equivalent if it nor worse than a 2-star small-town Chinese hotel of not a stellar quality. The university pays on time apparently and overtime is available. The visa situation is a nightmare, truly -- some FT's have Z visas, some have F visas, others work on L visas. The university hires anyone and everyone and the meaning of native speaker is taken very, very lightly. One can access the university's list of FT's on the Internet just to see how "lightly" it is taken. FT's schedules are meaningless and they change from minute-to-minute, hour-to-hour. It would be inappropriate of me here to share the horror stories that my colleagues have related to me of out-of-control FT's since the university generally needs to hire what it can find.

Finally, re the above poster, if he has been there for several years, why is his name not on the list of FT's made available on the Internet?

A big warning to all here, or at least a great deal of caution.

Messages In This Thread
LINYI NORMAL UNIVERSITY??? -- Doug Curtis -- 2004-08-27
Linyi University -- M. S. Lary -- 2005-01-10
Linyi Normal University -- concerned EFL teacher -- 2004-11-30
Re: Linyi Normal University -- Gareth Mostert -- 2007-11-22
Re: Linyi Normal University -- Paul Weiss -- 2011-01-05
Linyi University -- David -- 2005-01-10
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