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Paul Weiss - 2011-01-08

I couldn't agree more with all of Turnoi's comments on this issue.

There is no transparency here at all in this Georgia project and that region of the world is known for endemic corruption beyond anything that any of us, I believe, at least, have experienced, save perhaps in M....o. Georgia is Alice-in-Wonderland and the world-turned-upside down. Tblisi is a perfect example of a nearly 100% mafia / mob run town. If one does some research on the web, one will learn that quickly. With the Russians running amock in the North and the Ossentians running amock everywhere else, with the power shortages, water shortages, payment shortages, street crime in parts of Tlibisi and in the various-and-sundry farflung reaches at very, very serious levels, why-on-why would anyone want to subject himself or herself to such a omnipotent level of danger?

The Lawyer wrote that the money is coming from the United Nations. I would seriously challenge that assertion. It is my understanding that the money is coming from those foreign governments which have a decided interest in propping up this country but then I could be mistaken. I personally would not want to be a foreign bullet shield for a Russian solider or a local mobster.

In any case, with the changes in the contract, and with the other now-surfacing unfavorable vagaries involved, and given the infamously, infamously, infamously poor track record of this country, and the egregiously aggravated level of crime, danger, and the immediate and sometimes imminent risk of internal/international spontaneous combustion, why oh why?

Turnoi, please help the get word out. This should be an avoid-at-all-costs, never mind the blatant political advertising here by Oxford Seminars. They could care less about the program and the teachers; they only care about getting their commissions. Whether or not a teacher comes home in a body bag, and it is sure to happen eventually in that neck of the words, is not their concern.

Really, to any candidate who would want that level of trouble, then I would recommend going to North Korea without visa, crossing overland into Iran, teaching in a village in Afghanistan, or even going to church on Christmas in Cairo. This is not an opportunity for adventure -- this is an opportunity for serious malodorous trouble. Forewarned is forearmed!

To wit, read here please:


(please scroll down to the section concerning crime and all of the other general warnings)

look here please:

OSAC - Tbilisi, Georgia: Crime and Safety Report
The Department of State rates Georgia as a CRITICAL crime threat post. In Tbilisi and throughout Georgia, street-level criminals ...
www.osac.gov Reports Crime and Safety Reports - Cached - Similar

These are the warnings from the British Foreign Office. Very, very ominous.


Messages In This Thread
Re re: Teach and Learn Georgia -- Paul Weiss -- 2011-01-08
Re re: Teach and Learn Georgia -- El lawyer -- 2011-01-08
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