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Jeffrey - 2005-04-16


My problems with The Bohme English Academy date back to July 2002 BUT I have been living in Japan since then and I'm getting SICK of continuously hearing teachers complain about working there as well as specific examples of that go beyond simple gripes.

Within the past two months ALONE I have had firsthand knowledge of at least THREE TEACHERS getting DUMPED ON (and that's a lot considering there's only ever 10 or so teachers working there at any given time) ranging from refundable deposits simply NOT being refunded to dismissal allowances not being paid.

I guess things haven't changed much since I was dismissed without pay or notice contrary to Japanese Labour Laws... read my story below and THINK TWICE about working for The Bohme English Academy in Ichinomiya, Gifu and Nagoya Japan.

Although I feel I had a strong case that my dismissal was without just cause, this is a much more involved case and one that my advisors recommended that I not pursue.

Therefore the illegal action by Bohme is not centred on why I was dismissed but rather that Bohme was very manipulative, tried to take advantage of me, and willingly and knowingly acted illegally in the manner that they dismissed me.

Having said the aforementioned let my current situation speak to the fact that I am a good teacher. My experience after Bohme includes the starting of my 3rd year at the following: a special English conversation class at a University in Nagoya, 3 weekly Jr High School classes and several company classes via 2 major staffing companies.

What people need to know about my illegal dismissal by Bohme.

1)LAW BREAKER - They broke the law because they dismissed me without 30 days notice or 30 days pay in lieu of notice contrary to Article 20 of the Labour Standards Law of Japan.

Please go to www.generalunion.org Click News and read issue No. 6 pg. 2 and Issue No. 7 pg. 7 for more information.

2)BOHME KNEW the law but disregarded it anyway.

3)BROKEN CONTRACT TOO! They broke our contract in which we agreed to give each other 60 days notice of termination but unfortunately contract law is a lot less cut and dried than the Labour Standards Law of Japan which is etched in stone.

I was advised to pursue them for the 30 days pay and not the 60 days they REALLY owed me (ed note: When I reminded owner, Steve Bohme at the time of my dismissal of my entitlement to 60 days notice as agreed upon in our contract he laughed and said Get a lawyer the best advice he ever gave me!)

4 MANIPULATION. Because they knew the law, they presented me with two options in my dismissal meeting. The first was a nasty Youre fired today letter and the second was a face saving I agree that Im quitting today letter accompanied by Bohmes Im a nice guy act and promise to not to tell anyone I was really fired and to furnish me with reference letters and assistance to find a new job.

The reality was that in my moment of weakness of getting dumped on the street in Japan with no job, they had hoped to trick me into signing the paper saying that I agree that Im quitting today so they could try to escape their legal obligation to pay me 30 days pay in lieu of notice.

Although, at the time, I did not know that Bohme WAS REQUIRED to pay me 30 days pay I still replied Im no quitter and Im no liar Youre gonna have to FIRE ME! (ed. note: I dont think they counted on that)

5) NO CONTEST. Although they knew the law AND their little trick to have me sign away my pay in lieu of notice had failed, Bohme STILL refused to acknowledge several letters from myself and the Tokai General Union whose assistance I sought.

The LABOUR BOARD even had to talk to the owner at least TWICE until finally, 4 MONTHS AFTER my dismissal, after no legally filed contest to my demands, Bohme deposited 30 days pay equal to 250,000 yen in my account without even a letter, phone call or email to indicate that they had done so.

6) THE FIGHTING ON THE CAKE A few weeks after they had dismissed me, I had the misfortune to meet the owner, Steve Bohme, in a local bar at which time he tried to start a FIST FIGHT with me. Lucky for me, Im a very difficult person to goad into fighting and there were some other people there who actually wanted to fight him so he had a pushing match with them and they went outside. Luckily for everyone, pushing was as far as it went.

In my opinion, there are general concerns about the business ethics and professionalism of Bohme. For example:

1) The owner told me once that as long as it doesnt interfere with the business, then dating students is no problem This was told to me at a time when we were discussing a current situation where a female student had complained that she had had unwanted sexual advances from one of the male teachers one night. It was clear to me that Bohmes concern was strictly business and not at all concerning the possible sexual assault of one of his students.

2) To a group of 4 or 5 employees while at the Gifu school the owner disclosed confidential employee information in the form of his plans to fire a Japanese salesperson in 3 months but told us that we shouldnt tell anyone

3) The owner often spoke to me very condescendingly about Japanese people, their food and their customs including references to his own wife such as They (Japanese girls) were great to date but never get married to one!

So if you've made it all the way to the end this I'd be very surprised but if you still need more reasons NOT to work for The Bohme English Academy or your would like to confirm anything that I've mentioned above, please email me at dropthebohme@yahoo.com


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