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Johnnystrychnine - 2011-01-31

The market is as dead as a door nail where a dusty jacket once hung.

We have to thank the Australian Government for changes and requirements to International Student visa laws that have put qualified teachers like me out of work. In the USA and UK visas are issued out very quickly. I do know for a fact International Students applying for study visas are confirmed in 24 hours, that is in the U.K

The USA is a bit slower considering there have been changes since the September 11 attacks, nevertheless it is much faster than Australia.

Students are not coming to Australia anymore and all the job hogs are not leaving their lard dripping office chairs.

So if you enter an English Language Center at any of the colleges in Victoria or an ESL language school be prepared to A. Be snubbed. B. Sent from one office to another. C. You will be asked to come in for an interview but there is no work anyway. D. Asked to study their curriculum but that student numbers are insufficient to make up for money worthy classes.

Even if you are interested in working in the off shore programs there is a waiting list longer than the highway that leads from Melbourne to Sydney.

Last option then is to volunteer and help the rednecks in QLD in the flood stricken areas, or work as a cleaner. Welcome to Australia, do you have a degree and do you have a teaching qualification? We need you in the flood stricken areas, or you can join the dole queue.

You ask, what are the other options, China? Maybe, but considering most recruiters can not distinguish a teaching qualification from an ESL Certificate literally purchased at Bob Browns ESL School in Brisbane, it makes it all the more harder because Bob Brown has affiliations with ESL schools in China. So, you have the Corner shop ESL schools that endorse your teaching qualification, but you can only work for them if you study there version of ESL teaching. But if you have a Government mandated teaching qualification you have no hope because you did not commit to studying some bullshit one month ESL Certificate that will guarantee you a job at the Chant and Singalong Academy of English noise.

Last option? Wash dishes, work in Asset maintenance, or join the Army. Thanks Australia, thanks.

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