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englishgibson - 2011-02-08

A language training center provides a higher potential of learning the language than the Chinese public sector does. Moreover, its small sized classes, that often have placement tests for the candidates, offer more efficient and interactive lessons with teachers better able to look after students needs and to correct their weaknesses and/or bad habits. Then, courses in training centers aim for upgrading students from levels to levels as they improve. Most importantly, a language training center's academic material for the language taught is uncomparably easier to come, and come in an actual foreing language, in a training center than in many public sector schools on mainland, where academic supervisors and teachers face varieties of restrictions.

So, why would some on these forums relentlessly trash the Chinese language training centers, while praising the public sector's large sized classrooms with offten meaningless foreign teachers' courses? Of course, in the public sector students get to practice with foreigner teachers whatever they've learnt from their Chinese teachers, and some may even improve, but are we to believe that the local public sector has it all figured out how to take care of students who wish to learn another language? The forums talk of "dancing monkeys" as for foreign teachers in a language training center surely fits better the large sized public school's classroom, doesn't it?

Let's face it! Locals have purposely put FTs in the second row and that especially in the public school classrooms, where it is so important to prepare for exams rather than for life and where the preasure of passing students is extremely high as local teachers' jobs may be, and often are, on the line too.

As for the few that keep on trashing the training centers rather than the local system that's factually the real offender for the centers not being able to live up to their expectations, you are either unaware or bias with all due respect. Licenses to language training centers owners on mainland are awarded according to who knows who and who has how much money, but any better qualified and experienced, especially the foreign ones aren't allowed a cut out of this giant pie, the mainland market. Suspecting that there's a great degree of control over all sorts of education would not be unreasonable, would it? Then, suspecting that foreigners are unwelcome to get a cut from this market would not be paranoid, would it?

On the end, every country has its own rights to do things, business, education etc their own ways, however, it begs the question of rights for all, the country's own inclusive. Then, trashing when either unaware or bias is just so filthy. Yes, EFs are crap 'cause of the foreign corrupt franchisors and yes Webs are crap 'cause of the local corrupt franchisors ironically "international", although don't forget that there's a much larger potential in language training education than in the Chinese public sector which will most likely never get out of the sight of the rulers.

Cheers and beers as well as hopeful edition of this one :)

[Edited by Administrator (admin) Sat, 14 May 2011, 03:16 AM]

Messages In This Thread
China: Language Training Centers' Trashing -- englishgibson -- 2011-02-08
Re Language Training Centers' Trashing -- Observer -- 2011-02-09
Re Language Training Centers' Trashing -- englishgibson -- 2011-02-10
Re Language Training Centers' Trashing -- Observer -- 2011-02-11
Re Language Training Centers' Trashing -- englishgibson -- 2011-02-13
Re Language Training Centers' Trashing -- bullring -- 2011-02-13
Re Language Training Centers' Trashing -- englishgibson -- 2011-02-14
Re Language Training Centers' Trashing -- bullring -- 2011-02-14
Language Training Centers' Trashing -- TC Hater -- 2011-02-08
Re Language Training Centers' Trashing -- englishgibson -- 2011-02-09
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