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Tom - 2011-03-05
In response to Recruit China Teachers? (Crap School Spotter)

"Never heard of them but like all recruiters and just like all crap schools...give them some time. I am sure that they'll pop up soon. Don't deal with recruiters at any time, any where, for any reason."

I know what you mean but it's a bit difficult to avoid recruiters or teacher suppliers, don't you think, more especially for your first job in China?

Nearly all jobs whether private or state schools and universities are advertised through an agency. Most jobs in state schools get their FT's through a teacher supplier (often call themselves schools) and send you to Middle Schools etceteras. Plain and simple recruitment agents are the least of ones problems because once the deal is done, with you arriving at your employer {teacher supplier, private school, university, middle school etceteras}they wash their hands of you and collect their fee(they probably would have told you a pack of lies in the process.)

Now, it's often the case that {private schools,training centres, teacher suppliers} will often do some of their own recruiting, but state schools and universities almost never do. If you work in a middle school you'll hardly ever be paid by them directly, rather by your employer, the supplier, who could well have recruited you as well.

If you are looking for a job in China ,the recruiter is your first step, you can't avoid the scoundrels.Once you have had some experience and have some knowledge under your belt you can avoid a recruiter; however, if you want to work in a state school you will almost always have to actually work for a crap supplier. Whoever pays your wages is the one you work for-not where you work.

Messages In This Thread
Recruit China Teachers? -- Nathan Barker -- 2011-03-04
Re: Recruit China Teachers? -- Sam -- 2011-12-23
Recruit China Teachers? -- Tom -- 2011-03-06
Recruit China Teachers? -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-03-05
Recruit China Teachers? -- Tom -- 2011-03-05
Recruit China Teachers? -- Lip Stick -- 2011-03-09
Recruit China Teachers? -- Tom -- 2011-03-10
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