View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Cops getting a little snippy in Changping
FT4LIFE - 2011-03-08

What's the deal with the locals getting so snippy lately? I came out of Wal-Mart and got flagged down by a Changping pig. Assertive and confident and a little on the snippy side. White van, no markings. No uniform. Showed me his ID and in half assed English told me he wanted to see my passport. I showed him my FEC and he called over his comrade in uniform to drill me with 60 questions. I was not carrying my passport. They gave me a letter in Chinese advising me to carry my passport or be subjected to fines of up to 500 RMB. Now I need to go to the pig station with my passport and my registration by 5 PM tomorrow. Not a biggie but geez. A little more friction than I planned on for my day. Cops were asking me about other FT's in the area, if I liked China, and what I think of working in China. One cop took my photo. 1 male and 1 female cop in uniform and 1 cop with no uniform. Been here over 2 years never got carded. First time for everything.

Messages In This Thread
Cops getting a little snippy in Changping -- FT4LIFE -- 2011-03-08
Re Cops getting a little snippy in Changping -- Lip Stick -- 2011-03-09
Re Cops getting a little snippy in Changping -- Kanadian -- 2011-03-09
Re Cops getting a little snippy in Changping -- Andy -- 2011-03-08
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